Monday, November 30, 2009

Japanese gamers Animation Figures Marry in his Nintendo DS

Other Link: Computer, Bali, Tips, Download, Easy Money

What nonsense behavior of the Japanese. So her love for anime characters who played in the Nintendo DS device, he could hardly bear to marry him.

Sal9000 initials gamers fell in love with the character named Nene Anegasaki in Love Plus game, a dating simulation game. This game provides the option for a date with one of three female cartoon character.

However, virtual relationships through the game just was not enough for Sal9000. He also became the first person to declare a "marriage" with the game character in a festival of technology at Tokyo witnessed dozens of fans attending games.

He admitted the marriage was not legally be approved. However, he did not play due to present pastor beneran to do the marriage ceremony. In fact, some people say that was done Sal9000 first wedding at a chapel on the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.

Games such as Love Plus it's a new craze in Japan. The players can spend hours with his digital dating from buying flowers, chat, and make a commitment with the future. Virtual dating became like a real up to rocked people like Sal9000.

Other Link: Computer, Bali, Tips, Download, Easy Money

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